#2: Split-Screen is something they should definitely look into. I believe you need to enable "Multiseat Session" in the gameplay options. You could have a Keyboard and Mouse for player 1, A xbox controller for player 2 and a wheel and pedal set up for player 3. And they don't even need to be controllers. #1: Beamng already has multiplayer controllers support. (Ironically i'm playing beamng while looking at this post xD) So the question is: Is a split-screen mod possible? I know that in the future, near or far, BeamNG is planning to add online multiplayer to this game, but I'd be great to also have a split-screen mode. Personally I'd love to see more split-screen games, because it's great when you have friends that don't have PC's good enough to run these titles. So, if there was dual controller support, (and possibly 2 cameras used like a split-screen) I believe that would be fantastic, especially for all the other BeamNG YouTuber's out there. Reason being is that if you are directing crashes, you have to control one car, and get the AI to control the other, as we know how good AI is, I think you understand my point. As BeamNG Drive is further expanding, I was wandering if somebody could make a mod to enable dual controller support? Not necessarily 'multiplayer', but 2 controllers being used on one PC.